leave information

protected/medical leave

Complete the form below to inform Human Resources of your intent to take protected leave (OFLA, FMLA, PFML). OFLA and FMLA provide employees with job protected leave to care for themselves or family members in cases of illness, injury, childbirth, and adoption. Oregon PFML offers both job protected leave and wage replacement. OCSD has partnered with The Standard to process all OR PFML claims.

After completing this form you will be contacted by Human Resources with additional information and required next steps. 

For more info on protected/medical leaves, click here

leave without pay

A leave without pay of up to 2 days can be approved by your supervisor without additional approval from Human Resources/the Superintendent. Complete the form below to request between 3 days and one year of leave without pay. 

All requests require a conversation with your supervisor prior to the submission of this form. For specific guidelines regarding leave without pay, see Article 18 of the Licensed CBA or Article 12 of the Classified CBA.